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Motels script which allows you to do various actions like storing items, accessing wardrobe, lockpicking

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  1. Put ensure codely_motel your start config and resource called codely_motel into your resources folder
  2. Configure config.lua & locales.lua
  3. Run the provided SQL file (sql.sql)
  4. Add items to your inventory/database: (lockpick, motelkey, breakcharge)
  • data/items.lua:
['motelkey'] = {
label = 'Motel Key',
weight = 1,
stack = false,
close = true,
description = nil

['lockpick'] = {
label = 'Lockpick',
weight = 160,
consume = 0,
client = {
anim = { dict = 'anim@amb@clubhouse@tutorial@bkr_tut_ig3@', clip = 'machinic_loop_mechandplayer' },
disable = { move = true, car = true, combat = true },
usetime = 5000,
cancel = true

['breakcharge'] = {
label = 'Police charge',
weight = 1,
stack = false,
close = true,
description = 'A police breach charge with 15 seconds timer'


  1. Generate a new motel room for certain player
    • exports['codely_motel']:GenerateMotel(playerId, motelType, roomIndex)
      • motelType is motel index from your config (e.g. Pink Cage Motel)
      • roomIndex is room type (e.g. Low end)